We Get It
Product Workshop
Tech Audits
Team Extension
Recruiting Approach
Your startup is at a crossroads.

As your company evolves, new technical challenges arise. The roadmap is murky and filled with obstacles. Your team needs help.

Arcanium Sturtup

We get it

We started Arcanium as founders just like you to help startups achieve ambitious goals.
Entrepreneurial Tech Teams
Our talent pool is built around entrepreneurial tech teams rather than just individual contractors.
With Rockstar Employees
Get access to rockstar solutions architects, project managers, developers and designers.
The Best Part?
You can scale up or down as needed.

With product roadmap workshops, technical audits, idea-to-MVP services, on-demand team extension, and recruiting, once you join the Arcanium ecosystem, you’ll find everything you need to thrive and grow.

Arcanium Sturtup

Product Workshop

Turn your vision into an actionable plan. Identify risks and discover new opportunities.
Arcanium Sturtup

Tech Audits

Understand your technical debt and get your action plan for operational excellence.
Arcanium Sturtup


Go from product to MVP for a one-time, flat fee. Get a demo to put in front of users or investors.
Arcanium Sturtup

Team Extension

Ambitious startups need ambitious teams. If you’re ready to grow but not yet ready to hire full-time employees, leverage Arcanium’s team-extension model to scale up and down rapidly.  Working with our on-demand experts you’ll get the best help for the job, when you need it.
Arcanium Sturt up for you
How it Works

We’ll complete a discovery session to identify the qualifications and skills needed for your team.  From there, we handpick developers perfectly tailored to your company’s needs from our extensive talent pool based across the U.S.

Arcanium Sturt up for you
Who manages it?

The level of day to day involvement is up to you.  Our team can integrate into your existing team and interact directly with your CTO, Tech Lead, or in-house Project Manager for project direction and feedback.  Not staffed up in this area?  We can provide a PM or Product Manager to your team who provides reporting & updates on a set schedule, while keeping the day to day noise to a minimum.

Arcanium Sturtup


Ready to hire full time talent and grow your in-house team? Get access to pre-screened, well-vetted candidates with no requirement to hire until it’s the right fit.
Arcanium Sturt up for you
How it Works

We’ll complete a discovery session to review the position requirements and build a profile on your ideal candidate.  This includes both the technical and soft skills you’re seeking, as well as a look into your company culture.  From there we go to work, tapping our resources and hunting for new talent.  We work diligently to pre-screen, and will only send the most qualified candidates your way.  From there we facilitate the interview process, collecting your feedback as we go.

Tech Audits
Team Extension
Recruiting Approach

Our job isn’t done until your new hire signs on the dotted line.

Arcanium Sturt up for you


Arcanium Sturt up for you
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Get opportunities to take ownership over your work and to create something of your own.
Arcanium Sturt up for you